2023 Monthly Messages from Marilyn
Greetings Ladies, I hope you are staying warm. The recent temperatures make me wonder why my husband and I relocated here rather than in Florida! I am looking forward to the Spring and warmer weather, longer days, and sweaters rather than heavy coats. As I mentioned in a previous meeting, the workgroup that is looking at our mission and goals is recommending the following: •SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM: oA change in the Scholarship Program to focus on young women who are seeking a license or certification rather than only those seeking a university degree. This will require a total revamping of our forms, process and the schools to which we send invitations. The reason for this is that in the past we have granted money to very talented young women, who attend schools out of DE and then never return. We hear nothing from them after the dinner. In addition, we invite them and their parents to our June dinner meeting and never hear another thing from them either. The parents don’t join our club and that’s it. oAs the time is getting late, we will not be able to offer a scholarship this year. oHope Whaley has kindly agreed to be the new Chair of this committee. Please consider assisting her with revamping the forms, identifying and locating schools that will meet our new criteria. •ELECTRIC VEHICLES: Please, please, please send an email to the Governor – http://John.Carney@delaware.gov Kyle Krall – Kyle.Krall@delaware.gov; Shawn Garvin – Shawn.Garvin@delaware.gov. There are so many things wrong with this, I don’t know where to begin. oIt’s not legislation – it’s a mandate. The General Assembly – our elected officials have been completely cut out of the process. I never voted for anyone who works for DNREC, but someone or someone’s there will be deciding what I can drive in a few years. oThe grid can’t handle it. The state is spending a small fortune putting in charging stations and they will collect the fee to charge your car’s battery – direct competition to the small businesses out there. oIf the state decides that too much electricity is being used during a heat wave or cold snap, they can just turn off all the charging stations. oIf you have to park on the street, how do you recharge your car’s battery? oThe Fire Departments have been taking enhanced training to deal with battery fires that can occur when there is an accident. It takes 80,000 gallons of water to put out one of these fires. I’m certainly glad we live near the ocean! We definitely need to make some noise about this. I look forward to seeing you at our February 22nd meeting. Dr. Kevin Carson, Superintendent of Sussex Vocational Technical School will be our guest speaker. Marilyn Booker, Chair Sussex County Republican Committee
Special Messages from Marilyn
February 18 – Republican State Party Executive Committee Takeaways
Greetings, fellow Republicans, The State GOP’s Executive Committee met Thursday evening. There were some things discussed that I wanted to share with you: 1) The state party is seeking volunteers to make phone calls to voters and ask a few survey questions. Those who volunteer will be given a call list and a script. If you have some time and interest in helping with this project, please contact me: mailto mbooker3@icloud.com. 2) Our RNC Political Advisor will be in DE to provide training on “Pushing, Chasing and Curing” absentee ballots. The class will be offered in Newark at the Colonial Headquarters located in the Peoples’ Plaza, Newark on 2/22. There will be a repeat of this class on 2/23 in Lincoln at Senator Dave Wilson’s Auction House on Rt #113. The class will be in the Red Barn. Both classes will begin at 6:30 PM. 3) School Board Elections will take place on May 9th. The last day to file to be a candidate is March 3rd – less than 2 weeks from today. We are still trying to identify people who are willing to represent our children on these boards and not the harmful ideology that is creeping into public school curricula throughout the state. 4) For the School Board Elections on May 9th, there will be only 2 ways to cast a ballot in this election – either absentee or in person on May 9th. These elections typically have an extremely low turnout. It may be difficult to determine who the candidates are because after a candidate files and before the name is posted on the Department of Elections’ website, the candidate is put through background checks. This process may take a few weeks. As the candidates who share our values complete the vetting process, I will send you their names. Then, it is critical that you go the polls and vote for them! 5) Members of the General Assembly are requesting that we send letters in opposition to the Electric Vehicle mandate to Governor Carney – John.Carney@Delaware.gov and Shawn Garvin – Shawn.Garvin@Delaware.gov. Please see the February Chair’s message for details. 6) The State Party Convention will be held at the Modern Maturity Center in Dover this year. The annual dinner is April 28th. The price has yet to be determined. The Convention is the next day, Saturday, April 29th. The cost of the Convention is $50.00. At this convention we will elect a Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer as well as address any new State Party Rules. The Sussex Region has the largest contingent of Delegates with 107. We also need 2 alternates for each RD. If you are interested in being a delegate or alternate, please contact me very soon. We must submit the names of our Delegates to the state by April 9th. 7) We will be offering an RDC/EDC Training on March 15th at Old Paths Church of Christ. There is no need to register, just arrive at the Church by 6:30 PM to attend the class. We will be discussing some of the latests tactics for getting out the vote and electioneering and how each of you can participate in turning Delaware Red. Marilyn Booker, Chair Sussex County Republican Committee
February 9 – Call to ACTION!
Greetings Fellow Republicans,
There are a couple of issues that are “hot” right now and I am asking that you take the time to take action and send emails in opposition if you agree with my position. The first is the mandate that by 2035, Delaware will adopt the California Electric Vehicle Standards and the second is another attempt by the Democrats in the General Assembly to legalize recreational marijuana.
Greetings, ladies and gentlemen, Happy New Year to all! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday with lots of fun with family and friends. It is time to submit our Political and Campaign Award hours. I have attached a couple of documents to assist you in your efforts. Please review them and complete your hours/calls and submit them to Kris Kessler by January 8th. Kris will collect them and submit them to the NFRW by the January 15th deadline. Our next meeting on January 25th will feature David Legates, PhD, the climatologist I told you about. Dr. Legates will be speaking on Governor Carney’s EV mandate. We expect this to be a very interesting and educational meetings. Please invite your friends. Finally, the Sussex County Republican Committee is hosting the Cabin Fever Relief Night on January 28th at the Millsboro Fire Department. Political commentator and economist, Loren Spivack will be our guest speaker. Tickets are $35 pp and available on the Sussex GOP website at: Order Your Tickets Online or call us 302-856-6323. Further details are available on the attached flyer. Click here: UPDATED: Political & Campaign Award Form Instructions, 2022-2023 Click here: UPDATED: Political & Campaign Awards Frequently Asked Questions, 2022-2023 Click here: Political & Campaign Award Biannual Report Form, 2022-2023 Click here: Youtube Tutorial: Tips and Tricks on How to Maximize Your Calls and Hours to Win! Sincerely, Marilyn Booker, Chair Sussex County Republican Committee
Special Message from Marilyn
January 7 – And Yet Another Mandate!
Greetings fellow Republicans! As a young girl in Baltimore, I remember learning civics. My teachers spoke in glowing terms about our Representative Government and how the governed elected their representatives and held these officials accountable. However, since moving to DE, I find that a Representative Government is more a pipe dream rather than a reality. For the past two years we have been under mandates by a Governor who believes he has the right to bypass our local elected representatives and continue to independently renew States of Emergency due to COVID, dictating to Delaware citizens. While the rest of the world has moved on, after 27 renewals of these States of Emergency, it appears that Governor Carney is quite fond of this power and has now decided to turn his decrees to another arena – energy! Without input from our local Representatives or Senators, the Governor has deemed that the Secretary of DNREC, an unelected and unaccountable bureaucrat, should be in charge of what we will be allowed to drive. Please note that NO bill has been presented. The General Assembly did not have a chance to debate or discuss this. Our Governor, who is term-limited and is likely to make a bid for U.S. Senate after he’s finished bullying us, is focused on adopting the California Standards for electric vehicles which will begin to take effect in 2026 – a mere 3 years from now. He obviously didn’t pay attention this past summer when California told their electric vehicle owning citizens not to charge their EVs because the grid couldn’t handle it during a heat wave. Nor did he pay attention to a message from his own Emergency Management Agency over the Christmas weekend when they explained that we were to cut back on electricity usage because PJM, the company from which we and 12 other states and the District of Columbia purchase electricity, warned that the grid would not be able to meet demand during the Christmas cold snap. Imagine if we were all dependent on the grid to go to work, the doctors, the store or our children to school! I guess this is just an “unintended consequence.” These are the things that bureaucrats blame all the time when they haven’t considered all the possible outcomes of their actions or “look past their noses”. As residents of a coastal area, consider what would happen if we had to evacuate Bethany, Dewey and Rehoboth due to a mid-summer hurricane. Think about sitting in your electric vehicle in bumper- to-bumper traffic on Rt. 1 or 113 or 13 watching your EV’s battery drain. Imposing Electric Vehicles on Delaware citizens because CA is doing it or it’s the mandate du jour or because all the “cool governors” are doing it, makes no sense. We need to address the issues of the here and now and invest in technology to address our future energy needs. Governing by fiat is not the answer – technology is. The latest advancement in fusion technology is particularly interesting and appealing. If the Governor is looking for a project, DE has some current issues that are quite severe. We are a Medically Underserved Area (MUA), as designated by the Federal Government. Perhaps our Governor could turn his efforts toward mitigating this problem. Our education system could use some attention as well. Delaware was 11th highest in spending for education, investing $15,639 per student. Considering the abysmal performance of our students in national testing, (31% proficiency in reading and only 29% proficiency in math), perhaps the Governor could address this. These are just two items crying out for intervention. There are others. If you are opposed to this governmental overreach please take action! Make some noise! Let your voice be heard! Kyle Krall is the Secretary of DNREC and his office will be writing the regulations that will be imposed on us. You can email him with your respectful comments at: kyle.krall@delaware.gov. You may also consider contacting the Governor at this link: Contact & Connect – Governor John Carney – State of Delaware. Marilyn Booker, Chair Sussex County Republican Committee
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