411 Legislative Ave, Dover De 19901
General Assembly in Recess Until March as Legislative Budget-Writers Hold Hearings
411 Legislative Ave, Dover De 19901 411 Legislative Ave., DoverOver the next four weeks, the Joint Finance Committee--a group of 12 state lawmakers responsible for evaluating and restructuring the governor's recommended state operating budget, will hold a series of hearings to analyze every state agency's FY 2026 spending requests.
General Assembly in Recess Until March as Legislative Budget-Writers Hold Hearings
411 Legislative Ave, Dover De 19901 411 Legislative Ave., DoverOver the next four weeks, the Joint Finance Committee--a group of 12 state lawmakers responsible for evaluating and restructuring the governor's recommended state operating budget, will hold a series of hearings to analyze every state agency's FY 2026 spending requests.
General Assembly in Recess Until March as Legislative Budget-Writers Hold Hearings
411 Legislative Ave, Dover De 19901 411 Legislative Ave., DoverOver the next four weeks, the Joint Finance Committee--a group of 12 state lawmakers responsible for evaluating and restructuring the governor's recommended state operating budget, will hold a series of hearings to analyze every state agency's FY 2026 spending requests.